Rockaway Baby is founded by Ina Bransome and Haya Brant, a mother-daughter birth-venture. As doulas and lactation consultants, but more importantly as moms, we know the importance of community. 

Although not native to Rockaway, we came here in 2012, and knew this was home. With decades of experience in the birthing world, it felt only right that we bring to Rockaway our passion and expertise. Our vision is that each growing family has access to everything needed from preconception, through pregnancy and beyond.



Ina Bransome -
Lactation Consultant, Newborn Care, Newborn Knowhow Educator

Ina is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, who came to this specialty by way of years as a doula, having assisted families in her community with birth and postpartum care since the 1970s. The countless hours spent handling newborns over the years introduced Ina to what she calls ‘Newborn Knowhow’ and others often dub ‘baby whisperer’. She shares this information in her Newborn Knowhow Classes as well as Newborn Care and Feeding classes for those who wish to learn more about communicating with their babies.


Haya Brant
Doula, Lactation Consultant, Babywearing Educator                         

Haya has been a birth and postpartum doula for over 15 years. In 2009 along with Ina, her mom, she completed the process to become an IBCLC. Among the classes Haya leads are:  Babywearing 101, Early Infant Potty Training and Exploring your Birth Options.  Haya runs a medical billing practice for midwives and is raising her two girls. With Rockaway Baby Haya hopes to offer what she has received since moving to Rockaway, a sense of fellowship and support as a mom and a businesswoman.


Ellen Sidles Farhi
Doula, Childbirth Educator, Birth Assistant, Student Midwife

Ellen is an experienced birth doula with 27 years experience and a passion for supporting families during the childbearing years. In her Childbirth Prep classes she offers information about pregnancy, birth and newborn care, including ways to be happy, comfortable and healthy throughout this sensitive time. She also offers Certified Lactation support from initiation through weaning. Ellen works as birth assistant to Dahlia Midwifery, a home birth midwifery practice in Brooklyn. Ellen is currently on track to become a certified nurse midwife.